This month is Kiwis for Kiwi month!
A shocking amount of chicks (95%!) don't survive in the wild and so we are collecting 50c from every kiwi sale in store and online to donate to the cause as well as donating this big boy below to the trademe auctions (you can click here to see what's already up for grabs).
You can see our kiwis here! Every sale counts - beanies to biggies.
Here is a wee overview of what a donation might help the Department of Conservation with.
- $25 Buys one trap and trap box
- $50 A kiwi health check
- $75 Train one dog to avoid kiwi
- $100 Protect one kiwi for an entire year
- $1,200 Fund one year in the life of a BNZ Operation Nest Egg chick
- $2,500 Buy one receiver to pick up transponder signals