Monday, March 9, 2015
It was so exciting to see that two white Kiwi chicks have hatched at the National Wildlife Centre! This brings the number of white North Island Brown kiwi to be hatched there since 2010 to five.
The wee beauties were given a health check by the Department of Conservation and Pukaha staff who confirmed the pair were in good health, as the two hatched in the reserve and not in the nursery. Having a kiwi hatch and survive in the wild is a great indication that the thousands of dollars put into predator control each year on the reserve (located 15 mins drive north of Masterton) is paying off!
We were lucky enough to receive our own white kiwi in store too, thanks to Cheese Before Bedtime, and we are just as in love with the embroidered version!
If you'd like to see a little more of the white North Island Brown kiwi, here is a short video about Manukura (born 1 May, 2011) you can follow her on facebook too - here!.
By Mike Heydon on Vimeo.