Saturday, March 21, 2015

Naturally dyed eggs

One of the nicest memories of our childhood's here at Pauanesia is decorating eggs for Easter! We were so pleased to come across Kristen Rickert's guide to naturally dyed eggs this week, thanks to Pinterest (you can see ours here). They are so easy to make - you can find all the ingredients at your local grocery store and the best thing is you are free to tuck into the egg afterwards!

Kristen mentions here, that she boils the eggs in the dye solution. Starting with a room temperature egg and room temperature liquid dye solution she cooks the egg for 12 minutes. At some point it will boil. Then let it cool/rest in the strained dye solution. We like to eat the eggs, so that is why I cook them this long, so that they are perfectly hard boiled. I refrigerate the egg as soon as the liquid is cool, and let them sit overnight in the fridge in the solution.

Free range eggs in both white and brown.
A whole red/purple cabbage
Concord grape juice
Red onion skins (I did not buy a heap of onions. I fossicked through the onion bin and filled a bag with the fallen off shells).

All photos and recipe are by Kristen Rickert.
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